A curated collection of antique and vintage jewellery remodelled to be worn and loved today.
Calorie Free Easter Treats
Treat yourself this Easter with some gorgeous calorie free deliciousness. Scrumptious pearls, yummy golden delights and delectable silver stunners. Your waistline will thank you and you'll bring a touch of sparkle to your life. FREE EXPRESS post so the Easter Bunny gets you your treats on time.
White baroque pearl on rose gold filled chain 
Leoni & Vonk sterling silver and pearl friendship bracelet
Sterling silver and white pearl friendship bracelet
Leoni & Vonk tag necklace
Gold tag necklace
Leoni & Vonk star friendship bracelet
Cubic zirconia star friendship bracelet
Shop all Leoni & Vonk jewellery here https://leoniandvonk.com